The uninstall process for Cisdem DocumentReader for Mac is quite simple. Depending on your version of the Mac operating system, you may have installed the program via the Mac App Store, or you may have installed it from a different source. To remove the application, find it in the Launchpad interface and double-click it. If the icon starts to jiggle, click Delete. If that does not work, reboot your computer and repeat the process.
Once you've installed Cisdem DocumentReader for Mac, you'll be able to print WPD, WPS, and PDF files. It will also display all elements in your document, including images, tables, hyperlinks, and layout and formatting. It will open multiple files at once and has different page reading styles, zoom, and page navigation. It supports many formats, including PDF and VISIO.
To get started, download Cisdem DocumentReader for Mac for free. The setup is complete offline. Just select it, then click "Add to Library" and select "Cisdem DocumentReader for Mac." Once the installation is complete, you can launch the program and start reading documents. You can also download AutoCAD 2019 for Mac and AutoCAD 2013. Once you've installed the application, you'll have a great PDF viewer for your Mac.
Another benefit of Cisdem DocumentReader for Mac is that it doesn't require any additional installation. It's compatible with almost all file formats. Users can save and print documents, and print them to PDF or other formats. The program even comes with built-in options to allow you to rotate documents or zoom them to view different portions. It's easy to use and is a useful tool for document reading on the Mac.